No, however we do require both students and parents to respect and support the College’s Christian faith and values, and fully and positively participate in all College programs. For more information about Christian Growth & Development here at Æß²ÊÖ±²¥ please .
The College regularly hosts group tours during each term. Bookings are essential. Click here for more information.
Yes, for many cohorts there is a waiting list. It is best to enquire as early as possible to ensure a place is available for your child. To secure a place on our waiting list, a completed Application for Enrolment form needs to be received for your child.
The College accepts enrolment applications at any time, however our enrolment process (Application Review stage onwards) commences within 24 months prior to the cohort commencement for our Primary and Secondary Years (Year 1 to Year 12), and within 12 months prior for our Kindergarten and Early Learning Centre (Preschool and Preparatory). Completed applications received outside of this timeframe will be acknowledged and held until they are eligible to commence the enrolment process. It is best to enquire as early as possible so we can start the application process and avoid disappointment.
There is no particular cut-off date for enrolment applications; rather the College accepts a certain number of applications for first round interviews, then moves to a waitlist when this is reached. Waitlist applications will be considered for second round interviews when a vacancy arises in that cohort. The College is at waitlist for many grades and we encourage you to submit an Enrolment Enquiry form as soon as possible to check vacancy priory to submitting an application.
The College has at times closed a waitlist when the waitlist has reached an excessive number of waitlist applications (i.e. 2025 Year 7). When this occurs, families are still able to apply for the following year waitlist (i.e. 2026 Year 8) and will be brought forward should a vacancy arise earlier. Waitlist applications automatically roll over on the waitlist each year until a vacancy arises.
The College accepts applications at any time throughout the school year, however we encourage families to consider submitting an application at least 4 years prior for potential enrolment into Year 7.
No. All applications are reviewed, and parents will be advised if their application is successful to progress to enrolment interview. Please view our Enrolment Process to find out more.
Yes, the College provides generous sibling discounts on the Tuition Fee for families; there is no sibling discount on the Curriculum Resource Fee.
Total College Fees for students in Kindergarten to Year 12 consist of a Tuition Fee (per student), Curriculum Resource Fee (per student), and our Parent Participation Program Fee (per family).
For more information see our Fee and Scholarship p²¹²µ±ð.
All Kindergarten students should have turned five by the end of March the year they are in Kindergarten. Students who are turning five between April and July are recommended to enrol in our Early Learning Centre Preparatory program in the year prior to Kindergarten and will be considered on a case-by-case basis in regards to their social, emotional and academic readiness.
Places for our Kindergarten cohort are prioritised each year to our Preparatory students and current Primary and Secondary Years siblings.
Yes, if there is vacancy within that Primary cohort, all students enrolling into our Primary Years, will progress into Year 7 unless you formally notify the College in writing otherwise.
Orientation days for Kindergarten and Year 7 take place in Term 4 in the year prior to their commencement.
The College’s Parents and Friends Association also provides welcome events for all new students and their families at the end of Term 4 each year.
Information regarding transport options to and from the College can be found on our Location and Transport page.
Please visit our Hours and Routines page to find out more.
Yes! We offer before and after school care as well as vacation care during school holidays to Primary aged children. Please view our OSHC page to find out more.
Yes, we teach Mandarin in Year 7 and 8. Students in Kindergarten to Year 6 engage in a STEM program.
No, to reduce costs the winter uniform is simply the summer uniform with a blazer, and a jumper if extra warmth is required. All items are available from our Uniform Shop located on campus.
We offer a very wide range of subjects from Primary through to Year 12. Please visit our Primary Curriculum and Secondary Curriculum pages to find out more.
Students maintain a regular routine of physical activity through our Physical Education program, which develops their strength, coordination, fitness, teamwork, and a love of movement. Students can also participate in inter-school competitions, team gala days, and College sport carnivals where talented sportspersons may be selected to compete at State and National representative levels. More information regarding sport opportunities can be found on our Sport page.
Our staff are passionately committed to creating an effective, enriching learning environment for all students. Each teacher brings educational expertise and genuine care to the classroom, working closely with every student to challenge and engage them at every level. The College also offers additional learning support and extension programs through our Learning Enrichment team to identified students who would benefit from these opportunities. Visit our page to find out more.
Co-Curricular activities give each child the opportunity to discover how God has made them and to find purpose in using those skills. Importantly, engagement with co-curricular activity fosters a sense of connectedness and belonging which play an important role in student wellbeing.
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The College also operates Seed Academy on campus, which is an additional program for students offering dance classes, art classes, and an increasing range of music tuition opportunities. Visit our Seed Academy page to find out more.
Visit our Technology page to find out more.